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{Past} Memories

There are times when family portrait sessions feels like a whirlwind. Often times sessions with small children may look like a wee bit of chasing, pulling random tricks out of a hat & perhaps a little bit of sweat. Who am I kidding, there is typically a lot of sweating when little ones are involved. With the Ross family there was no running, zero sweat & an opportunity to get to know each other. Our session together brought some great laughs, but most of all reinforced some of my key beliefs on photography.

Gina and I connected through the internet when she inquired about a senior portrait session for her son. After discussing some of the options we decided to integrate a few family pictures into the mix. Our location was set & the plan was in full motion. That is until the weather threatened to rain on our parade. A contingency plan was put into place and with luck on our side the session went on as planned.

As we walked to our destination, I was able to learn more about the family & their love of football. We incorporated articles of past loved ones that had special meaning to the family. I enjoyed hearing the sweet memories of the past. We as well included photos of the past and it reinforced how important a single photograph can be.

Often times we forget the worth of a photograph until we are longing to remember someone, celebrating a milestone or just so happen to stumble upon an old box of photos. Many times, this year I shuffled through old photographs that sparked vivid memories of the past. I laughed with my children as I recalled the image & told stories about loved ones that were no longer with us.

The Ross family reminded me how important a printed photograph may be. Fast forward 50 years from now. Will you leave behind a strip of film, CD’s, broken phones, thumb drives or a box of photos? Regardless of how you capture the moments of your life, a printed photo leaves behind a tangible good that will be reflected on for years to come.

Crystal Snider is a photographer specializing in children, senior, newborn and family portraits. Crystal Snider Photography is based in Dorr, MI and servicing Western Michigan . Areas of service include but are not limited to Byron Center, Dorr, Hopkins, Wayland, Shelbyville, Allegan, Caledonia, Grand Rapids, Wyoming, Hudsonville, Grandville.

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